Simply stated, if pixels are overexposed in the image, the exposure can be lowered and the blown out pixels will contain actual color data for the lower exposures. What makes these file types so versatile is the fact that they are 32-bit. EXR are the most common high-dynamic range file formats. High Dynamic Range Images are ideal for this type of setup as they contain the data for multiple cameras exposures within one file.HDR and.

What are HDRI images and how can they be used in 3DS MAX? The most realistic lighting can be achieved by using image-based lighting. While both of these methods are effective, I find that the lighting produced lacks the subtle imperfections and variations of reality. Some artists like to use a standard direct light while others prefer a simulated sun and sky, such as the v-ray sun. There are a variety of lighting techniques to use when creating an exterior light source for architectural interiors. Image based interior HDRI lightning compared to alternative techniques